Saturday, December 14, 2024

Proverbs 14:11

The book of Proverbs gives us insights into so many different areas of life. The book gives us instruction on how to live our lives for God. Here is a proverb that gives us insight about wisdom vs folly: 

Proverbs 14:11 (ESV)

The house of the wicked will be destroyed,

but the tent of the upright will flourish.

By now, if you have read very many of these blogs or a few of the proverbs, you will begin to see the pattern discussed in this proverb.    The theme of proverbs is a life with God (characterized by wisdom) and the life without God (characterized by the life of folly).   Wisdom and folly are often personified as a competing women on the street that attracts and attempts to entice the naive one to follow them.   That is one major aspect of the wisdom vs. NO wisdom theme.  Another important aspect between this natural tension between good and evil is the theme that when one chooses good something good happens.  When one chooses bad, something bad happens. That is the passion and fruit of this proverb.   We don't always see what this proverb is teaching us.  We don't see the home of the folly follower destroyed before our eyes.  We often see them live a life of ease and comfort (Psalm 73).   We also don't see the "tent" of the wisdom worshiper filled to overflowing and befitting the concept of "flourishing."  But, by faith we can see it.   Moses refused to be part of the great things of Egypt but rather suffered and endured to find a city who's maker and builder was God (Hebrews 11).   When following Christ we know that we will flourish.   We know that those who reject wisdom will find certain destruction.   When it happens isn't essential to know ... only that it will happen.  Too many believers operate by “sight” rather than by “faith.”   When we follow God’s Wisdom, by faith, we will see that our house is flourishing.   The person of follow only sees what is physically in front of them.  They think they have a life of ease, but don’t realize they have built their house on the sand.  When the rains and wind of life comes to beat against their house it will fall.   That is the point of the above proverb.  

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Proverbs 9:6

The book of Proverbs gives us insights into so many different areas of life. The book gives us instruction on how to live our lives for God....