Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Proverbs 7:24

The book of Proverbs gives us insights into so many different areas of life. The book gives us instruction on how to live our lives for God. Here is a proverb that gives us insight about listening to the words of folly or wisdom:

Proverbs 7:24 (ESV)

And now, O sons, listen to me,

and be attentive to the words of my mouth.

The word "listen" in the above proverb, in the Hebrew, is used over 1,000 times in the Bible.  Like trees on the road you might simply pass it by without noticing.  Solomon, in chapter seven, is describing for us the perils of an adulterous women (code-speak for the deceptions of folly in our lives).   After describing at length what she looks like and how she approaches the "naive one,” he is now giving us the one proverb solution to avoid her charms that lead to her sinful crimes, and eventually her crushing blows.   In the first four verses of this chapter and the next verse (25) Solomon gives us the key to unlock the chains of seductive sin.   HIs solution?  Listen!!  Pay attention!!   The words might cause us to pause and think this is too simple.   Yet, that is his solution.   He is telling us that the way to avoid the sin of folly, especially as it manifests itself in the seductive nature of adultery, is to hear God's Word and pay attention to the wisdom found in it.   But, the listening is not simple grade-school-passive-hearing.   To listen to God's Word is to digest and allow the things it teaches us to impact, motive and direct our lives.   If we get caught "listening" to the seductress; or, paying attention to the flattery of her words, we will be lead astray.  It should be noted that the seducer in this chapter gets the attention of the naive one through his senses and then has him "listen" to her.  Her lipstick gets him to "pay attention."  The words lead him to listen and fall.   We listen and obey many things.   But, the solution to avoid sin is to use those senses to listen to truth, rather than deception.  If you want to avoid the pains of death listen to the words of life.

Chapter seven is all about the naive young lad who is lead astray by the experienced lady of the night. Her seduction maneuvers are classic and appeal to his base nature.   He is sucked into the vortex of her charms.  She has appealed to his most vulnerable passions.  He has a passion for attention (she tells him she came out on the street to meet "only" him).  He has a passion for pleasure (look how she describes her bed).  He has a passion for safety (see where she promises that her "husband" won't be home until a certain date).   He had all kinds of passion but not the passion for his Maker or his Savior.   As a result his wicked passions will bring him straight to Sheol (to the grave).   His accepting her offerings will produce a life of shame, guilt, and sin.  Instead of “listening” to the Word of God (as Solomon recommends), this young man is listening to his passions, that are being pulled away by Lady Folly.   We will listen to something.  We must make it God’s Word, not our passions.   

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Proverbs 13:19

The book of Proverbs gives us insights into so many different areas of life. The book gives us instruction on how to live our lives for God....