Proverbs 4:6 (ESV)
Do not forsake her, and she will keep you;
love her, and she will guard you.
There are some things we ought to hold onto. For instance, when you fall overboard from a boat and you're in the water you ought to hold on to the lifejacket or life ring you've been given. When your passing mother or father gives you a memory of their life you ought to hold onto that tightly. When you're given your newborn son or daughter for the first time, you obviously should hold onto him or her with a firm, but gentle grip. However, none of these illustrations comes close to mirroring what Soloman has told us in the above proverb. Wisdom, who is personified in the book of Proverbs as a real person, should be held unto and never let go. Remember, according to 1 Corinthians chapter one, wisdom is Jesus Christ. What we are being told, is that our security in life has to do with what we hold unto in our faith or belief. If, by faith, we hold unto Jesus Christ and to his teachings, then we know that we have security and he will watch over us. If, on the other hand, our hands, our hearts, or minds are tightly holding to the things of this world, then we will not be protected and they will not watch over us. Holding fast to wisdom secures our place before God. When we forsake wisdom and reach for folly then we need to know that we are reaching for empty air. Wisdom is ever watching us, it is ever protecting us, it is ever holding us. Love wisdom and be loved by her.
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