Proverbs 31:19 (NASBStr)
She stretches out her hands to the distaff,
And her hands grasp the spindle.
Proverbs 31:19 (ESV)
She puts her hands to the distaff,
and her hands hold the spindle.
Most who would read this proverb about the industrious and Godly woman, might think the writer is being a bit traditional in HIS description of this woman of virtue. After all, in today's modern age, how many women even sew, much less know how to handle the distaff and/or spindle. Today's woman is running machines in a factory, leading men in a board room, or operating a front-end-loader on the job sight or performing heart surgery with high technology robots. Who even knows what a distaff and/or spindle are referring to. Traditional preachers would quote this verse as a justification that the women should be in the home, making clothes and content with the household business. Yet, what we have in this proverb is not the "job" the virtuous women is to "do", but the aspect that the women is not idle and sitting around, but rather is "industrious." She is a worker. She is a hard worker. Notice what Paul says to Pastor Timothy of the Church of Ephesus about caring for the widows in his church. Notice the type of widow who is to be ministered to by the church body:
1 Timothy 5:9-10 (NASBStr)
A widow is to be put on the list only if she is not less than sixty years old, having been the wife of one man, having a reputation for good works; and if she has brought up children, if she has shown hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has assisted those in distress, and if she has devoted herself to every good work.
This women described by Paul is the same women described by the writer of Proverbs 31. It is not the type of work that is being associated with a Godly woman, is that a Godly women is not idle or a busy-body. Notice the type of person Paul tells Timothy to avoid serving through the Body:
1 Timothy 5:13
At the same time they also learn to be idle, as they go around from house to house; and not merely idle, but also gossips and busybodies, talking about things not proper to mention.
Talkers are to be avoided and workers are to be rewarded. This is what the writer of the above proverb is telling us. If we wish to know what a virtuous woman looks like, look at her hands. Her hard work will leave scars. Godly woman might choose to work at home. They might choose to work outside the home. But, if they are Godly, they WILL work. That is the point of the proverb.
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