Saturday, March 22, 2025

Proverbs 22:29

The book of Proverbs gives us insights into so many different areas of life. The book gives us instruction on how to live our lives for God. Here is a proverb that gives us insight about impacting leadership.  

Proverbs 22:29 (ESV)

Do you see a man skillful in his work?

He will stand before kings;

he will not stand before obscure men.

Solomon was a king.   He was not obscure.   He had many "skilled" men around him.  He had grown up in his father's court (King David) and undoubtably had a chance to see many "skilled" men.   Men who were skilled in fighting, warring.   David's mighty men would be an example of those he saw often.   When Solomon was born, his father's man advisor was Nathan the prophet.   There is no doubt that Solomon saw the skills of the prophet as he counseled his dad.   When David was preparing the temple materials to be built (eventually by Solomon) he surrounded himself with men who knew about building, sculpting, gardening, horsemanship, etc.  So, it is of little wonder that Solomon makes the above observation and admonition to his own son(s) and us, those who desire wisdom.  From the leader's position, he is telling us to surround ourselves with skilled people.  Don't be worried they can do something better than you.  Find people who CAN do things better than you.   From the skilled persons point-of-view, be patient.  You will eventually find yourself standing before kings and rulers and advising them.  Note what one commentator states about this proverb:

"Artisans were considered to be wise (see note on 8:30; see also Ex 35:30–36:2). serve before kings. Like Joseph, an administrator (Ge 41:46); David, a musician (1Sa 16:21–23); and Huram, a worker in bronze (1Ki 7:13–14)."

God places the skilled before rulers.   Seek the skills God wants you to seek and God will find a place for you to use them that is not with worthiness men.  Those who seek to use their skills for God (and recognize that God gives them skills) will find themselves before skilled kings.   In places of honor.   Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are all examples of skilled people who found a place of honor in the midst of leaders.   Using your skills to glorify God will eventually put you in these positions.

God rewards people who know how to do their jobs.   Solomon tells us that a person highly skilled in his/her occupation will have a prestigious position before those in authority.   Skill will always be rewarded by God.   Those in authority are trained to recognize skill around them.  The best rulers should surround themselves with skilled people.  Obscured people (those of low degree) won't recognize skilled people.  They see all people the same.   Those of low degree don't recognize skilled people when they see them.   If we have skill we will be sought out.   The gifts God gives to us, when developed, trained and perfected will and can be rewarded.   That reward comes, sometimes, through the recognition of and by men.   God uses men to reward us.  So, when we develop our skillsets and allow God to work through us to mature those skillsets, God will reward us by placing us in positions recognized by the world.  Skill gets recognition.

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Proverbs 23:27

The book of Proverbs gives us insights into so many different areas of life. The book gives us instruction on how to live our lives for God....