Proverbs 19:23 (ESV Strong's)
The fear of the Lord leads to life,
and whoever has it rests satisfied;
he will not be visited by harm.
In Maslow's hierarchy of needs the psychologist attempts to find the ultimate motivation behind man's attempt for what God already explains in the above verse: Satisfaction. Maslow's words don't come close to the power packed in these few words. Man is constantly looking for his needs to be met and his life to be satisfying. There is not a loss of voices who attempt to provide thoughts on, "how to be satisfied in life." However, no human psychologist has ever published a best seller on the real answer: Fear the Lord. If we want true satisfaction we have to be willing to cast ourselves down and exalt the King of Kings. That is where satisfaction comes from ... from coming low in worship of the king. Maslow's thought was that each man wants to be "self-actualized". That's a cute way of saying they want to be the "master of the own soul." But God tells us in this verse true satisfaction is about bending the knees in submission to God not puffing the chest to become your own god. Communion with God will happen when we stand in Awe of Him. That is when we find true satisfaction in life: Having God "visit" us, or, have a relationship with us. That is true actualization.
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