Sunday, May 5, 2024

Proverbs 5:23

The book of Proverbs gives us a lot of instruction on a lot of different subjects. One subject that can keep us in God’s wisdom is Godly Follower-ship. Who we follow; where we follow; how we follow are all spoken about in Proverbs. Here is one of them about discipline:

Proverbs 5:23 (ESV)

He dies for lack of discipline,

and because of his great folly he is led astray.

We underestimate the cost of sin in our lives.   Paul tells us that what we sow we reap (Galatians 6:7), yet, we live as though that principle is not true.   Like denying gravity we jump off the roof of sin hoping to fly and act surprised when we land on our face.   Solomon, in the above verse, tells us that when we fail to listen to God's Word (Instruction) we "die."   The second line is not as strong as the first line, simply telling us we will go astray when we don't heed God's instruction.   Yet, in Proverbs seven we read that this going astray is like an ox who is headed for slaughter and like a bird which will be caught in the trap.   Sin costs us.  Eternally the cost is death in separation from God.   In this life it can mean a number of things.   "Death" and "going astray" can add a multitude of hardships in this life.   Yet, they can be totally avoided by heeding the Instruction of The Lord.   We don't have to fall into difficulty and the way of death.  Instruction is to keep us from the pain of death. Folly leads us to the end.  It never looks like the end when Folly begins its allure.   She paints a great picture and a warm and friendly path.   But in the end there is nothing but death.   The party looks good but the death is the same as any death.

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Proverbs 3:21

The book of Proverbs gives us insights into so many different areas of life. The book gives us instruction on how to live our lives for God....