Monday, April 8, 2024

Proverbs 9:5

The book of Proverbs gives us a lot of instruction on a lot of different subjects. One subject that can keep us in God’s wisdom is Godly Follower-ship. Who we follow; where we follow; how we follow are all spoken about in Proverbs. Here is one of them about what we might hunger for:

Proverbs 9:5 (NASV) 

Come, eat my food and drink my wine I have mixed.

Wisdom calls out in the street (8:1; 9:1) and wants to appeal to us in many forms and fashions. In this verse she calls out in physical terms. Bread and wine are staples in life for these Solomonic days. It meant that they had both their needs meet and had some luxury. Wisdom is saying that she offers both the needs (food) and the luxury (wine). Folly has offered herself and does so in outward terms (see chapter seven). Wisdom calls out like Christ does when He says, I am the living water; or the bread of life; or the light of the world. Christ is wisdom (1 Corinthians 2) and therefore when we read these words we must think of Wisdom as Christ and think of Christ as Wisdom. When we drink in wisdom and have a relationship with her we are having a relationship with Christ. "Come, eat ..." is the same call Christ gives to us. Eating is a hobby many of us have. We ought to have a hunger and relationship with Christ in thise way. When we seek Christ’s wisdom, as food and wine, we have safety, guidance, and protection.

Matthew 5:6 (ESV)

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

John 6:35 (ESV)

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

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Proverbs 25:19

The book of Proverbs gives us insights into so many different areas of life. The book gives us instruction on how to live our lives for God....