Proverbs 25:19 (NASBStr)
Like a bad tooth and an unsteady foot
Is confidence in a faithless man in time of trouble.
Proverbs 25:19 (ESV)
Trusting in a treacherous man in time of trouble
is like a bad tooth or a foot that slips.
The ability to trust someone is so valued in our society. Within organizations we see so many teams fail for lack of trust. When we talk to these groups about the concept of trust we are really talking about faith. Trust has as its basis the concept and foundation of faith. What we are saying when we say we don't trust some is that we don't have faith in them. When we have no trust in God we are saying we can't put our faith in Him. When we can't trust our co-worker we are saying we are not putting our faith in them. When we don't trust our boss we are saying we can't put our faith in him/her. The above proverb says that the inability to trust (put faith in someone) is as painful as a tooth ache or a foot you can't lean on due to injury or disfunction. The NIV renders the "unsteady" foot as the "lame" foot. If you are in trouble and you need someone to come to your rescue, it is painful to hope by faith in a man/women who can't or won't come through. The ESV calls this person a "treacherous" man. The pain of mistrust is worse than these two examples. The inability to trust is based upon a "belief" that their character won't deliver in the time of trouble ... when you are counting on them. We can only really count on God in times of trouble. He is the one we can cast our faith upon to deliver us. We can trust Him because He has never failed.